It’s not what you were born with, it’s what you build!
Personalized service offerings and products to develop speed for the competitive youth baseball athlete
Our approach
Baseball needs fast guys. Speed matters in today’s game. What does it take to have a faster first step out of the box. How do you improve your home-to-first time, increasing OBP, runs scored, and wins for the teams you play for?
How do you get the automatic green light from your coach?
We are passionate about excellence, athleticism, and all things youth baseball. We have observed a scarcity of understanding of what type of speed baseball players primarily need for the game they play and more importantly, a gap in how to cultivate speed for the youth baseball player. We want to be your ultimate resource in developing and actualizing your speed potential. It’s a beautiful thing to maximize all your God-given talent.
Our promise
Your dedication to speed will make you more athletic, more confident, and maximize your speed around the bases and on the field
Our services
Speed Evaluation
Analysis and Recommendations
Baseball Showcase Readiness
10-Yard, 30-Yard, 60-Yard Dash
Youth Baseball Club Speed Implementation
Speed Development Programming and Implementation Strategy
Face-to-Face Speed Instruction
North Denver, CO Metro Area
Our products
Team Dynamic Warm-Up
Youth baseball team dynamic warm-ups for coaches to integrate
Preseason Speed Development Program
6-week program tailored by age divisions
GreenLight Insights
Why the Drop Step is Better Than the Crossover Step for Stealing Bases
Three Most Important Exercises to Develop Proper Shin Angle for Better Acceleration
A Better Speed Evaluation for Baseball, Based on the Evidence
Strength and Mobility Preseason Training for Baseball Athletes, an Approach Worth Considering
Meet our team
Sharlyne Rivera
M.A., Exercise Physiology, University of Central Florida
ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist
Emilio Rivera
100m National Champion, Puerto Rico (2006)
B.S., Aerospace Engineering, University of Central Florida